Friday, March 26, 2010

Sherman A. is 4 years older than this Sherman T. Not as many bullet holes though.....
These 1st 7 pictures were taken from Biglefti and Cranky's pictures. Then the finish with this mornings breakfast at the Golden Coral.

Sherm taking a picture in San Luis (Sawn Loowees) The bus in the background is a normal sight around here. Hundreds of them every day head out to the fields for harvest or other work. Stonewall needs to come down here and get a job!

Sherm And Pat leading the group to dinner Friday night on the DR650.

We had just got the news about the terrible accident in Phoenix. Howard (nitelite) had called to let us know. Thanks Howard. No vroc people were involved.

Cranky "struts his stuff" in the parking lot.

Friday afternoon's ride. Heading back to Yuma.

This guy really does look like he belongs behind bars!

A few hardy folks joined us at the Golden Coral this morning for breakfast. The majority of the group ate the breakfast at the Landing at the Motel. Or, were already on the road heading home.

Slick grabbed my camera and shot this one.

Mal and Yvette, Rogue and Kelly there in the corner. Slick, Sue and Ray. Pat had just left the table for a refill. She bailed when I go the camera out :-)

John, Steven, Kelly, Sue, and Ray.

DD, Mal & Corvette

My "taper off" second plate. That is a soft taquito with cheese and sliced pickled cactus. and one like with sausage gravy, some fruit, a small Spinach Quiche, and slice of something (can't remember) with hollandaise sauce...Excellent!

"No Sugar Added" Peach pie for a small breakfast dessert. The last food picture of the rally!

Slick, DD, Ray, Mal, Kelly and Rogue. Pat, Yvette and Sue were still talking or something...

We're going to miss our Arizona plants. Maybe some will make it through the summer. (Ooops, not rally related) Oh, Well...........

Carl, Ed, Cat, Jim, and DD. Waiting for Saturday evening dinner.

Jacquie is checking out my "A" bike. Tony D. is helping her out.

Sherm rides Jacquie from the Motel to Dinner at Lute's.

The back door of our dinner place of the day.

We had 27 for dinner. One waiter that worked hard. The food wasn't wonderful, but prices good, and it was a fun place, with a lot of history.

The drinks came pretty quickly, but it took them a long time to take our food orders.

If a customer complains, they could end up like this lady!

John (Slick) at 5 years old.

Retired VROC ladies.

They did have tables for 30 set up for us as a group..and provided separate checks which was a plus.

Another table

DD brought his bike by this afternoon after the ride. We changed the oil and filter, and he replaced a burned out driving light bulb. "Sherm's Cycle Products South" :-)

Ray & Sue Mitchel, of San Diego. It was nice they could make it over!

Steven (Rogue) and Kelly. A fun couple!

Einstein and Teresa. Good to meet people "new to me"!

Birthday Boy Ted, and Jennifer. A Harley rider that fits right in! Thanks for coming!

Biglefti telling stories. I think he's saying, "I had a taco that was THIS big!"

Sherm & Pat

DD getting his mesh on, Saturday morning in the motel parking lot. This is the oldest Best Western in the chain. All the VROC rooms were across the street in a newer section. Lots of history here. The sight of the Landing, adjoining the motel is a museum as well, and...the exact site of where the first airplane ever landed in Arizona.

Sun Gardens Date grove.. There are several (6 or more) of these groves within a short distance. They all have tourist items and date shakes. I like the grounds of this one the best.

Here's the morning group. Temp was only 74 degrees when we pulled out, with a pretty strong wind. Coolest day in a long time, but no one seemed to complain.

It was fun looking around and eating the samples. They had 5 different kinds of date you were welcome to eat, and 3 specialty kinds that were stuffed and/or coated. Deeelicious!

Ted and Jennifer. Soon to be vroc'ers!

Tony D., Jacquie, Mac Guy, and Jim Hunt.

Cranky and Sledge. This has to be one of the best pictures in the blog!

Biglefti in his normal Arizona Riding Gear.

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